From Copenhagen to Berlin by bike – 19 pictures

Whenever I enter the basement my lovely yellow bicycle looks at me with puppy eyes and says: “Hey partner, I wanna go for a ride again, pleeeeaaase!”

The truth is: my tour bike has not been moved ever since I came home from the North Cape last September. So it’s high time to hop on the saddle again. I’ve chosen Copenhagen-Berlin, a route which is very popular in summer and flat like a pancake – perfect for the opening of the season. Denmark in May is absolutely marvellous and I guess this applies to Northern Germany, too. I can’t wait to “fly” across the mild spring inhalling the air filled with blossoming flowers and trees. It’s about the flow.

> That’s what I wrote ath the end of April 2017.

Now I’m on the road. “A flash light”:

Three – two – one – blossoming! In the countryside it smells so intensely that I was flashed after inhaling for a half an hour. The sunrays hit the bright yellow fields of rape while the larks never get tired singing their melodies – welcome to Danish spring. It’s magic. If it’s mild and sunny.

Two nights ago, the temperature dropped below zero. Next morning, while sitting on the saddle my butt felt rather frosty. The weather has changed dramatically: now it’s ice cold, the wind is blowing often quite heavily, and the rain falls mostly horizontally which means: Straight. Into. My. Face.

It was a rough day but after six hours I stopped at a cozy little hotel, meanwhile in Northern Germany, with an extremely friendly staff. I’m their only guest and they fixed me a lavish dinner. So in fact I have no reason to complain.

> Another jump forward:

Today, I arrived safely in Berlin. Three half days warming up (along the Roskilde Fjord) followed by the seven day tour were awesome in many ways. I’ll do it again. Soon.


Click on the first picture and it will increase its size. As of then you should move the cursor to the little black button “>” which appears on the right hand side of every picture. Click yourself through my trip withouth sweating.

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